Sunday, January 11, 2009

I don’t have my shit together and neither do you!!!!!!

I feel like no matter where you are at in life I don't think you ever really have IT TOGETHER. I mean in some aspects of life yes, but as I whole I don't think you do. Because if you really have it all together what aspects of your life do you need to improve on or learn new things?

there have been points in my life where I thought I had it together and then I was shook to the core and realized that I didn't, and I think it's in those moments that you realize how delicate life really is, and it is in those moments you can become grateful what you do have.

Recently in July I was given my own store to run and I knew I wasn't completely ready, but I didn't want to say no to a nice new promotion and I wanted to show that I was all that my District Manger said I was. Well, my DM got fired in October and I realized that I might be up for the chopping block.

November comes and my Assistant Manger is temporarily transferred to another store and I am given the AM from hell. It was horrible and I hated working in the store so I asked to step down as store manager and they happily obliged. I was very angry that they did the demotion so fast, but I was happy because I knew I wouldn’t have the same pressures and responsibilities.

It wasn't a matter of that I didn't believe in myself it was more a matter of I didn't know enough about managing to be in that position. I'm glad I got the experience to be a store manager, but I am happier being in a backup role then a star position. I'm more a Scotty Pippin to someone else’s Michael Jordan and I am happy with that role. I am the SP to my wife’s MJ role. Real talk. It’s always very important that you know what your role is in life. I can make the playoffs, but I’m not gonna get anymore rings without the help of my ace.

I think part of what I do is I don't really look toward the sunny side of life, because that is crazy. Life doesn't always have a silver lining to its dreary 21 day overcast. Life can be so weird and strange that there is no logical explanation or rationalizing what is taking place at that moment. Having a great sense of humor will carry you through the rough times in life. Laughing at your mistakes and pain is healthy.

Being grateful for a shit sandwich can be tough, but sometimes you just need to laugh at the size of the shit sandwich and move along. If you mope about all the shit that life hands to you, you might as well just end it. Because, life is too damn funny to let stupid things bog you down.

Being grateful is one of those oddities that you might not always have the foresight to do, because hindsight is 20/20. lol. I can always look back on past experiences with a type of clear vision that I understand why I went through it.

I meet people very easily its part of who I am. I have friends that I keep in contact with regularly that I met 12 years ago for one week at a church camp. I got married to my wife someone I me at a church weekend over 7 years ago. I have friends that I consider some of my favorite people ever that I met through a BBQ get together here in Chicago a little more than 1 year ago. My Saint Louis family has introduced me to some of the illest people ever! Thank you Bobby, Eddie, Van, Rhashad.

I owe all of that to not having my shit together. If I had all of my shit together I wouldn’t be able to a lot for new experiences. I wouldn’t have room for more personal growth and I certainly wouldn’t have room for more friends. I will never have my shit together and I wish the very same thing for you.



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