Friday, October 29, 2010

Why I don't support Rhymefest for City Council...

Che Smith is a personal friend of mine, but in all honesty I don't know Rhymefest better than any of my other hip-hop heads and artist that have performed with him. I've met Rhymefest on a few occasions, I think one time I even performed with him, bought a few of his albums, but the one thing that remains. I fully support Che "Rhymefest" Smith for 20th Ward City Council.

I support this particular City Council run like my life depends on it, because in all honesty, our future is at stake. As I've been more involved in this process, the more people I talk to the more I understand why people avoid politics all together.

People don't want to get hurt in the entire electoral process. This country does revere its right to vote, they are just afraid to take a stand and be part of process that is lengthy and filled many cul-de-sacs. Also with the fact that, it won't be an instant turn around, and that it can take years to accomplish ones single solitary mission.

I just want to let all of you know, we must not wait any longer to get involved in the political process or just the process of life. None of us are getting any younger. Where will you be in 25 years? 2 years from now what do you have planned?

If we never looked into the future to see where we are going, we will be ship wrecked and stranded hoping someone will come to our rescue, only to find out, we had the life raft with us all along and we just stayed on a lonely island wishing and dreaming our life away of being saved.

I know for a fact i have a very strong and talented group of people around me. I have family & friends that are Ordained Pastors, Doctors, Musicians, Electricians, Mechanics, Politicians, Business Owners, Teachers, Pre-Med Students, Nurses, Air Force Pilots, Marines, Lt. Col. in the Army, Professional Athletes, Construction Workers, Barbers, Humanitarians, Philanthropists, Factory Employees, Husbands, Wives, Parents, Single Parents, Students and that is just a touch of who we are.

We are strong, and we are a great group of men and women. We just need to take more responsibility in our own lives and also for those that are around us. If we don't start being more proactive in our lives, we will forever be left waiting our lives away for our ship to come.

I'm asking all of my friends, twitter followers, fans of Rhymefest (huge fan of that guy! lol), high school friends, family members, congregation members, old co-workers, over seas friends, lets please start looking forward, and stop being Captain Hindsight to all of our local, county, state, federal and world ills. Lets be more proactive and responsible.

Our message is simple: February 22nd, 2011 It's a call to action, It's a call for Personal Responsibility.

"We are not trying to reinvent the wheel, We're just reinstating it." (c) Che "Rhymefest" Smith


Icy Mike

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Reality TV and You!!!!!!!!

I've been wondering this for a while, why is reality TV so interesting? between all the mix of perverse shit out there, i mean why partake in the dysfunction and exploitation of them. Most people that watch those shows end up saying "when i watch Hoarders i don't feel so bad about my nasty ass house and being lazy, i'm not that bad." or "When I watch the Kardashians i come away feeling like i have an almost at grade level education"

It just bothers me that people use this is a reason to say, "hey i'm fucked up, but those people on Intervention are way more of a Junkie than me" Then you might be the same dumbass in the same sentence to utter "but who am i to judge?" ooooohhh oohhh i know i know pick me!!! its me, and whole group of people who judge people. they even make careers out of it. They are called Bosses, Pastors, Priest, Business Owners, Teachers, Principles, Judges, Lawyers, Jurors, Fans, Consumers, know all of society, you idiot.

Its okay to judge people and call people what ever you want, you just better have the same approach as if when you see them face to face, Reality TV is some of the dumbest damn programming in the world, when you give the reigns over to complete normal people to make a reality tv show you get youtube, when you give it to professionals full creative reigns you get Jackass, trained professionals that get paid to get hurt. Not amateurs that get paid to be naturally stupid.

Making spectacle of how people actually live in day to day environments "Survivor". Enjoying people who are just horrible at life "Jersey Shore, Real World". Gloating at horrible dysfunction and severe mental depression and shitty lives "Dog The Bounty Hunter, Intervention, Hoarders". The fact that animals mean more to people in our country then the homeless, katrina refugees, 911 victims and workers "Dog Whisper, Whale Wars".

I don't need to watch television to make fun of people, i do that every day i wake and have to look at a slobbish person and have to smell their dragon ass breath, i spray them with some axe body spray in the face, throw a tic-tac in there stupid flesh hole they call a mouth and give them $4.50 and ticket for a truck stop bath. <<< Now that i would watch on TV! I haven't seen a show on television as entertaining as that last Scenario since 2003 with the Chappelle show.

TV really needs to be roughly scripted, shit even RENO 911 had loose scripts they follow, Jackass had loose scripts that they followed, they had one good idea and followed through on it. All of these almost would be Reali-Comedies make me hate the living shit out of shows like the Office, and to top it off, that started in fucking England!!!! dammit!!!! the last time there was Comedy worth keeping around it got thwarted...Cavemen. Yes that whole Geico spin off was actually great writing and good acting. but no, you need Snooky and other dumbos to fill your tard-line.

How these people got to be celebrities is beyond me, it used to be that Celebrities were interesting and rare, now all you need is a fat ass, some great abs, and the ability to not have any talent and you to can be an entertainer, because you can entertain us with the fact that you are really stupid, the only people more stupid than you Reality TV stars are the people who support you.


Icy Mike