Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dear Miss 'Religious'

I'm tired of you, i really am. It seems to be, that you come out of the woodwork every now and then to either, scorn those that are not exactly like you, enough like you, completely different than you or you just want to start a little bit of row, i'll admidt, 5 years ago, you were interesting and new and fun.

You were that hot chick with no brain, you had all the right features, you were for pleasure and to be looked upon as a trophy, but now that you are in you're older in age and your body is sagging and you just happen to be dumb as all get out. I'll amidt Miss 'Religious' i had a good time with you, but now, i am done.

I remember like it was just yesterday, we met, you were new and exciting, you were fiesty and full of pazazz! you had a spark to you that this Lutheran boy wasn't used to, you lead me near to the edge of insanity, you lead me back the edge of Islam, you lead me to the edge to berate people because they aren't as awesome as you. but, you know what Miss 'Religious'? I cannot stand you...

Through all my years of travels and 29 years of life, the one thing i have found that you haven't, is we are all the same. I know you were teaching me that we are different and we don't need to respect those idiological differences, but the more i have learned is we are so much more alike than we shall ever be different, but that would be too easy for you wouldn't it Miss 'Religious'?

You'd like to show up some time and say "why do you have ashes on your head, don't you know that's the mark of the beast" and i will say "Bitch are you high? i do this out of respect and deference of self sacrifice, not all things are to be taken literal, especially when the Bible has been translated a minnium of 5 times before english, now go take your shit starting, hoe ass, else where."

The End.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Power Of Choice...Album Review

It’s been a while that i have done an album review, and to be honest, it has been a while to where i have felt the need to even write one. Every now and then, an album comes along and i feel compelled to share my excitement for the project.

Kev Choice is my artist of the Year. I met Kev almost 2 years ago when he was performing at the same venue as my good friend Finale (shout out to Detroit) at Morseland Lounge, in Rogers Park. One thing instantly realized was how different Kev was as performer, he was rapping, playing piano & i wondered, why hadn’t someone done this before, it perfect!

Kev Choice is from Oakland and studied at Southern Illinois University (i read his bio lol) that he is classically trained pianist. The first album i got from Kev at Morseland was ‘The Bailout’. The Bailout was okay, it was moment in mixtape time, but i could sense where he was heading as an artist, and have been eagerly waiting for his next full album.

Now, I say all of that to say this. ‘The Power Of Choice’ is single handedly one of the better albums i have picked up in the past 15 years. This is a wonderful album where it puts hip hop in a package to where, it is just good music & not pigeonholed into ‘insert rap genre’.

It transcends the issues that most ‘up & coming’ rappers have, insecurity, and mad that no one has signed them or gives them props. Instead, where there was sincere frustration, came some serious catharsis with songs that deal with issues we all go through…i.e. The Stuggle, Let It All Go, These Words, Dearly Departed & Arietta…

Arietta is my personal favorite track on the album, and it’s one of the only ending tracks on an album, to where at the end of the Arietta, i am happy with silence, its great to reflect on what you have just listened to. Such a wonderful break up song, even if you took his Rapping off of the track, the piano weeps a wonderful tear filled heartbreak, its beautiful. Minor Cords get me every time.

He has tracks for just about every mood you are facing during the day, week, month or in life. i bought the album a week and a half, and you know, this album will be pleasurable 10 years from now, its got a great neo-soul vibe on a few of the tracks, and just a really solid release from someone who produced most of his album.

This is one of the few hip-hop albums i can play for my nephews and niece and not feel embarrassed, because of all the swearing on it. In fact, there is only one track where there is swearing and that is on The Struggle, and it is completely justified, poignant and well needed, sometimes you need to swear to express certain types of anger…i.e. the murder of Oscar Grant and the inappropriate actions that surrounded that whole murder.

I will say this very simply, I looked at all the Albums that are tentatively to be released this year, and honestly, either on an independent or major label or no label, this is the album to beat, solid arrangement, subject matter, production, being poignant and reflective without being alienating or preachy. It’s a job well done and much worth waiting for.

Thank you so much Kev for your hard work. Glad to hear how much you have matured, can’t wait to hear what you are making when you are 40. Also, if you hear that Kev Choice is in your town, go see this man, he is a great musician & a hell of an entertainer. «« go hear to preview and then BUY the Album.