Sunday, June 27, 2010

Twitter=Time Waste Matrix

Well, Several months of solid Twitter at least 6 or 7 at least and let me tell you what i have gained from Twitter..............Actually, i haven't decided if ChatRoulette's endless supply of masturbating people or if twitter is worse. Actually i have, and it is Twitter.

Twitter is one of those things where you have to ask yourself, why? I mean really, why? Why does it exist? Does it exist as a medium for artist to get to know fans, or fans to get to know artists, or people to get to know people, artists to get to know artists, i believe its all of that, but in actuality, don't be anything other then those stated.

I have lost a great deal of respect for artists i once admired, and the fans and other artists surrounding them. I can only think of one time when twitter was useful, but, that would have happened in a natural time parameter anyway. I meet people in a very organic way, and stay connected with them. but, back to twitter.

Twitter is this messed up digital world of hipsters, twitter thugs, emo kids, artists, twitter vixens, and a lot of desperate people. If i follow anyone on twitter, chances are I know you in person. I learned my lessons about following people i admired from a distance. Here's looking at you Jane Doe.

Its a sick universe and a lot of people on twitter need to see a psychologist. The tweets are those of sadness, desperation, cries for attention and just overall lonely and unhappiness. only a small handful of people ever say anything important on there, I only occasionally say something somewhat intelligent.

I got onto twitter back in oct 2008 and didn't touch it because i thought it was really self enveloped, and really quite lame, then i had some friends talk me into using it, and i did, i have been using it solidly since dec of 2009, and i have literally only gained Two solid business contacts, and like i said, one of them would have happened naturally.

Its the time waste aspect that is the worst, you end up sounding like a lame ass when you talk about what @picklesandfries ReTweeted aka RT talking about how if you follow this Trending Topic it will get you to a new level of Douche, and @picklesandfries is right. Most people on there are sad, uninteresting, aggressive, ignorant and just overall idiots, trust me i am in that mix more often then not.

There are some people on twitter that make it amazing and a learning experience, but those literally make up only like 10% of the tweets. The other 90% is just self absorbed idiocracy and just overall stupid useless and heartless shit.

Its worse than ChatRoulette, at least with that you know exactly what you are getting, some dude masturbating, some dude about to start masturbating, some pervert looking to masturbate, or someone actually looking for conversation and the later makes up 10% and that is a cool 10%, at least you can skip over the other 90% of bullshit.

Thats how i approach everyone in my life, a lot of my friends and extended family are through some awesomely divine style of meeting, various jobs of mine, odd situations of how we met, but one thing that remains, we always know one person along our awesome long journey. But, Twitter NEVER has that impact. EVER. and by EVER. I MEAN. EVER.

It's all in good fun i suppose until you realize some people tweet hard and do there best to upset feelings, and just overall are looking to be a Hipster Tweet Thug Disciple from Bucktown, but fail to realize that they can get there retweet deleted real quick. don't get cute and get caught in lies, its not pretty.

My Name is @IcyMike on Twitter. and i am calling for Death Of Twitter, start learning to craft a thought above 140 characters and please stop using twitlonger, that shit is infuriating, click on a link to read your unimportant high/drunk/coked up tweet, no thank you. So glad SpringBoard is dead, that was literally more faggish than twitter by a mere 10 million penis in your mouth.


Icy Mike

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dear Pullman Part Deux

Yes Wal-Mart passed through, with absolutely no real thanks to our neighborhood. People gloating about being a scourge of inaction and thwarting progress, I'm sure the people who helped save this neighborhood look at you as absolute fools.

Some people in the neighborhood would be happy with absolutely nothing, just for the solid reason it is not exactly what they want, even though, exactly what they need is willing to post up in our back yard.

I am disgusted continuously to listen to some peoples inane diatribes about stopping progress, if a WalMart wants to be in our back yard, Great. So they want to pay workers minimum wage, who cares, I know young men and women that would love A job that Older People are not taking from them.

A good majority of people that live in this neighborhood forget that there are some seriously ravaged areas of the city, the type of stuff you watch documentaries on from netflix. I am out in these areas working hands on. Lets call a spade a spade here, if you are opposing WalMart, you have never been broke.

If any of you have ever experienced what people experience in these areas you would want to get out as soon as you get the chance, the only problem is, the odds are stacked completely against you doing so, trust me. I am a rarity of my environment.

If all we ever do is whine about progress, and stop it when its in our hands, we might as well be dead. For a lot of the people i talk to, i am disgusted that i share this gorgeous neighborhood with you.

You act like you're an Elite, when in actuality you bought in this neighborhood for the same reasons my wife and i did, its affordable and nice enough, never mind that last night i just heard a continuous barrage of hand gun fire.

So, You can pretend like nothing needs to change or we can actually have the chance to have some real direct change, and trust me, things cannot get worse around here, we already have a gang in the neighborhood that keeps us safe.

So, what i am really saying is, if you were against WalMart from the moment you found out it was coming, please put your money where your mouth is, Sell your property, move to Bucktown (they love your hipster mentality) and Go Shop At Whole Foods. Some of you disgust me to a degree i didn't even know possible.


Michael P Bliss 7735595774

p.s. if you feel like i am talking about you, i am, call me and we can have a beer, and i will say the same things.

Friday, June 25, 2010

How I Got Over

Literally, This Album presents Hip-Hop at a full converge of what the genre is really all about, its not about fruity loops, samples, boom baps or anything akin to that, even tho, it is laden with some of those parts of the art. This shows you the blues base of which the art was birthed from.

This presents The Roots as a Band, in which they are, all of the members are an intricate part of the art. Hip-hop has grown tiresome at times, too many rappers and not enough MC's. I tell people that Black Thought is hip hops last great MC that is commercially relevant, and they scoff and argue, but i ask them if they have seen Black Thought live, and if not, i tell them to keep quiet.

Rappers rap and thats it. MC's Move The Crowd and are true Microphone Controllers. Rappers focus on pure words for the sake of words. MC's blend in with the music and are just part of it. A symbiotic relationship of sound notes and words. Rappers stay beating a beat to death with words, no style, no charisma.

I love it when words become secondary to the sound of a band, words should only enhance a score of music, everyone on here, is literally just a sonic treat to have on the album, no one feels out of place, the way the album is set up is perfect, This is as much of a treat as J.Dilla's Donuts. Nothing forced, just getting back to the roots of the culture.

I've been rocking out to The Roots hardcore since 1997, i have had the extreme pleasure of seeing them perform twice in Chicago, if you have never been to a Roots show, your life is missing out on the greatest live performing band out touring, period. They are the hardest working no ego artists out there. Check there work ethic, its impeccable and you will see them rocking out 35 years from now.

How I Got Over proves itself as one of the most beautiful pieces of art that has come through in a long time. If this would be your first Roots album purchase or your 11th, you can enjoy exactly what this album is, for what it is right now, you will play this album 15 years from now, and see all the live performing rap acts and see where it was birthed, a culture in the blues.

Over all thoughts of How I Got Over, buy a copy and then go see them when they are in a town near you, worth ever bit of money and time.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The OJ Simpson Disorder.

This is one of things i have been mulling on for some time, is peoples relative craze about whether or not OJ Simpson murdered Nicole Brown-Simpson. I even asked the homie Rhymefest if he did do it and if it mattered. Rhymefest said "it doesn't matter at all." and he is right.

It doesn't matter at all or not, because all that is for sure, is that those two kids are going to be scarred for life. Victims of domestic violence and having a mother that was brutally slain.

So, everyone can keep up the racist diatribes on either side thinking that they are having a real conversation, because like most issues, most of you are missing the point. These are some kids that have been victims of domestic violence, but you like to make spectacle out of someone else's flaws.

Domestic violence is real, and it is horrible. Everyone cracks jokes about what they would do in this scenario, but most have never been victims of domestic violence.

It's easy to dissect celebrities lives, because most never take the time to look at there own. I personally don't care about celebrities coke sniffing habits and things of that nature, but don't ever fail to miss a valuable lesson when one is being given at a great cost.

I would say a lot of people i know have missed this lesson. Some actually blame Nicole Browns family for her being murdered, regardless of who did it. Claiming it was a set up, instead of realizing, that there two kids no longer have there mom and dad. Congrats people for keeping the inane racist diatribe and not being human.

Because, it really doesn't matter if OJ did it or so many different ways.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fish Market Part 2

All i can say about this album is that it is a great example of what a mixtape can be. If the art is dope enough, why not sell it? Thats what Chali 2na has done.

I've been a fan of Chali's work since the Jurassic 5 EP in what i believe was 98 or 99. He is perfect example of making rhyming seem so easy, he's just effortless cool with the flow.

He's definitely the James Earl Jones of the rhyming world. This is one of the first solo projects i have picked up from Chali in a very good while. He's been rapping for a looong time and always blessing us with good art.

It's crazy that more people never really got on board with J5 and moreover Chali. He's one of many artist that is crazy successful with 0 ego.

I think i found my new Cigar smoking and comic book reading album. This album is very much me. Effortless cool and effortless style. You just feel good listening to this album...i need a cigar now.

Chali shows that you should never be afraid to go against the grain of the industry. He's been putting on classic material for over 12 years. so, my question is...where have you been? Sleeping and Bullshitting.

Total analysis, but 3 and pass two, it will not burn you.

El Che Album Review

I've listened to this album 5 times through already since Midnight. I'm going to go ahead and say it is a beautiful example of a moment in time, that i can rediscover everytime i listen to it. In more simple terms...Classic.

Sometimes when an artist has what is perceived to be a large gap in putting out an album there can be a lot of hear say of why. all i can say is, it was well worth the wait. Quality over quantity every day.

Sonically it is a treat. Verbally it is amazing. Everyone that features on this album is enhancement and an enjoyment. A lot of rappers could learn some very valuable lessons from this album.

Blue Collar is a classic, there are 5 songs on there that are hip hop staples. you can't say that about most albums 4 years removed. On El Che, there are 9 amazing songs. 1 of which is a song that i have thought of writing for years, but never was able to.

Fans are too fickle when it comes down to the art of hip-hop. They really don't know what they want to hear about, but in recent years, hip-hop has gotten to be NOT FUN. This is an album that you can think, laugh, dance, cry and just enjoy.

One of the more disturbing things i herd recently was that in order to be successful in hip-hop you don't want fans, you want consumers. That is where he is wrong. Fans travel from Toledo to Chicago to watch a performance. Consumers are just on to the next one.

Rhymefest has always been one of my personal favorite emcees over the last 5 years. He's an amazing song writter and he his words are classics. like he has said, you don't have to buy his album but his words are priceless. I agree. He also said recently Hotness cools, and Dopeness lasts.

If you are looking to be entertained then this is your album, fans need to stop being so serious. 98% of fans can't rap, write, dance, sing or even be entertaining. so just chill and support good art and stop analyzing everything.

Complete analysis, Buy Three copies, keep one and pass two on to help spread the love. Thats what i do.