Sunday, June 27, 2010

Twitter=Time Waste Matrix

Well, Several months of solid Twitter at least 6 or 7 at least and let me tell you what i have gained from Twitter..............Actually, i haven't decided if ChatRoulette's endless supply of masturbating people or if twitter is worse. Actually i have, and it is Twitter.

Twitter is one of those things where you have to ask yourself, why? I mean really, why? Why does it exist? Does it exist as a medium for artist to get to know fans, or fans to get to know artists, or people to get to know people, artists to get to know artists, i believe its all of that, but in actuality, don't be anything other then those stated.

I have lost a great deal of respect for artists i once admired, and the fans and other artists surrounding them. I can only think of one time when twitter was useful, but, that would have happened in a natural time parameter anyway. I meet people in a very organic way, and stay connected with them. but, back to twitter.

Twitter is this messed up digital world of hipsters, twitter thugs, emo kids, artists, twitter vixens, and a lot of desperate people. If i follow anyone on twitter, chances are I know you in person. I learned my lessons about following people i admired from a distance. Here's looking at you Jane Doe.

Its a sick universe and a lot of people on twitter need to see a psychologist. The tweets are those of sadness, desperation, cries for attention and just overall lonely and unhappiness. only a small handful of people ever say anything important on there, I only occasionally say something somewhat intelligent.

I got onto twitter back in oct 2008 and didn't touch it because i thought it was really self enveloped, and really quite lame, then i had some friends talk me into using it, and i did, i have been using it solidly since dec of 2009, and i have literally only gained Two solid business contacts, and like i said, one of them would have happened naturally.

Its the time waste aspect that is the worst, you end up sounding like a lame ass when you talk about what @picklesandfries ReTweeted aka RT talking about how if you follow this Trending Topic it will get you to a new level of Douche, and @picklesandfries is right. Most people on there are sad, uninteresting, aggressive, ignorant and just overall idiots, trust me i am in that mix more often then not.

There are some people on twitter that make it amazing and a learning experience, but those literally make up only like 10% of the tweets. The other 90% is just self absorbed idiocracy and just overall stupid useless and heartless shit.

Its worse than ChatRoulette, at least with that you know exactly what you are getting, some dude masturbating, some dude about to start masturbating, some pervert looking to masturbate, or someone actually looking for conversation and the later makes up 10% and that is a cool 10%, at least you can skip over the other 90% of bullshit.

Thats how i approach everyone in my life, a lot of my friends and extended family are through some awesomely divine style of meeting, various jobs of mine, odd situations of how we met, but one thing that remains, we always know one person along our awesome long journey. But, Twitter NEVER has that impact. EVER. and by EVER. I MEAN. EVER.

It's all in good fun i suppose until you realize some people tweet hard and do there best to upset feelings, and just overall are looking to be a Hipster Tweet Thug Disciple from Bucktown, but fail to realize that they can get there retweet deleted real quick. don't get cute and get caught in lies, its not pretty.

My Name is @IcyMike on Twitter. and i am calling for Death Of Twitter, start learning to craft a thought above 140 characters and please stop using twitlonger, that shit is infuriating, click on a link to read your unimportant high/drunk/coked up tweet, no thank you. So glad SpringBoard is dead, that was literally more faggish than twitter by a mere 10 million penis in your mouth.


Icy Mike


WHAK!!! said... has a list of another 50 chat roulette alternatives for you to try :)

J.R. LeMar said...

Never heard of this "Chat Roulette" thing, and something tells I'm not missing anything.

Still can't get into Twitter but, as I've said before, I don't want to talk trash about it, since I used to about sites like Myspace. So I got mine, just to nab the url, in case I ever decide to try it someday. Maybe it will be useful for something, in the future when I have WAY more free time on my hands than I do now.

Mikel said...

I completely agree and have never had, nor will I ever have, a twitter account. I don't understand nor do I really want to. I have looked at it to see what it was all about but I just can't do it.

ICY MIKE said...

I actually still use twitter quite a lot. the biggest difference between and most people on there, is i am not lame. Most people on there usually have nothing interesting to say.

I can literally think of like one person i like to follow, and then getting Al-Jazeera's, BBC, Rueters, and WSJ's feed. other than that, i still use it to keep in contact with people that can be hard to get a hold of otherwise.

but i digress, its still whack.