Tuesday, June 8, 2010

El Che Album Review

I've listened to this album 5 times through already since Midnight. I'm going to go ahead and say it is a beautiful example of a moment in time, that i can rediscover everytime i listen to it. In more simple terms...Classic.

Sometimes when an artist has what is perceived to be a large gap in putting out an album there can be a lot of hear say of why. all i can say is, it was well worth the wait. Quality over quantity every day.

Sonically it is a treat. Verbally it is amazing. Everyone that features on this album is enhancement and an enjoyment. A lot of rappers could learn some very valuable lessons from this album.

Blue Collar is a classic, there are 5 songs on there that are hip hop staples. you can't say that about most albums 4 years removed. On El Che, there are 9 amazing songs. 1 of which is a song that i have thought of writing for years, but never was able to.

Fans are too fickle when it comes down to the art of hip-hop. They really don't know what they want to hear about, but in recent years, hip-hop has gotten to be NOT FUN. This is an album that you can think, laugh, dance, cry and just enjoy.

One of the more disturbing things i herd recently was that in order to be successful in hip-hop you don't want fans, you want consumers. That is where he is wrong. Fans travel from Toledo to Chicago to watch a performance. Consumers are just on to the next one.

Rhymefest has always been one of my personal favorite emcees over the last 5 years. He's an amazing song writter and he his words are classics. like he has said, you don't have to buy his album but his words are priceless. I agree. He also said recently Hotness cools, and Dopeness lasts.

If you are looking to be entertained then this is your album, fans need to stop being so serious. 98% of fans can't rap, write, dance, sing or even be entertaining. so just chill and support good art and stop analyzing everything.

Complete analysis, Buy Three copies, keep one and pass two on to help spread the love. Thats what i do.

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