Friday, June 25, 2010

How I Got Over

Literally, This Album presents Hip-Hop at a full converge of what the genre is really all about, its not about fruity loops, samples, boom baps or anything akin to that, even tho, it is laden with some of those parts of the art. This shows you the blues base of which the art was birthed from.

This presents The Roots as a Band, in which they are, all of the members are an intricate part of the art. Hip-hop has grown tiresome at times, too many rappers and not enough MC's. I tell people that Black Thought is hip hops last great MC that is commercially relevant, and they scoff and argue, but i ask them if they have seen Black Thought live, and if not, i tell them to keep quiet.

Rappers rap and thats it. MC's Move The Crowd and are true Microphone Controllers. Rappers focus on pure words for the sake of words. MC's blend in with the music and are just part of it. A symbiotic relationship of sound notes and words. Rappers stay beating a beat to death with words, no style, no charisma.

I love it when words become secondary to the sound of a band, words should only enhance a score of music, everyone on here, is literally just a sonic treat to have on the album, no one feels out of place, the way the album is set up is perfect, This is as much of a treat as J.Dilla's Donuts. Nothing forced, just getting back to the roots of the culture.

I've been rocking out to The Roots hardcore since 1997, i have had the extreme pleasure of seeing them perform twice in Chicago, if you have never been to a Roots show, your life is missing out on the greatest live performing band out touring, period. They are the hardest working no ego artists out there. Check there work ethic, its impeccable and you will see them rocking out 35 years from now.

How I Got Over proves itself as one of the most beautiful pieces of art that has come through in a long time. If this would be your first Roots album purchase or your 11th, you can enjoy exactly what this album is, for what it is right now, you will play this album 15 years from now, and see all the live performing rap acts and see where it was birthed, a culture in the blues.

Over all thoughts of How I Got Over, buy a copy and then go see them when they are in a town near you, worth ever bit of money and time.

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