Sunday, June 13, 2010

The OJ Simpson Disorder.

This is one of things i have been mulling on for some time, is peoples relative craze about whether or not OJ Simpson murdered Nicole Brown-Simpson. I even asked the homie Rhymefest if he did do it and if it mattered. Rhymefest said "it doesn't matter at all." and he is right.

It doesn't matter at all or not, because all that is for sure, is that those two kids are going to be scarred for life. Victims of domestic violence and having a mother that was brutally slain.

So, everyone can keep up the racist diatribes on either side thinking that they are having a real conversation, because like most issues, most of you are missing the point. These are some kids that have been victims of domestic violence, but you like to make spectacle out of someone else's flaws.

Domestic violence is real, and it is horrible. Everyone cracks jokes about what they would do in this scenario, but most have never been victims of domestic violence.

It's easy to dissect celebrities lives, because most never take the time to look at there own. I personally don't care about celebrities coke sniffing habits and things of that nature, but don't ever fail to miss a valuable lesson when one is being given at a great cost.

I would say a lot of people i know have missed this lesson. Some actually blame Nicole Browns family for her being murdered, regardless of who did it. Claiming it was a set up, instead of realizing, that there two kids no longer have there mom and dad. Congrats people for keeping the inane racist diatribe and not being human.

Because, it really doesn't matter if OJ did it or so many different ways.