Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dear Pullman Part Deux

Yes Wal-Mart passed through, with absolutely no real thanks to our neighborhood. People gloating about being a scourge of inaction and thwarting progress, I'm sure the people who helped save this neighborhood look at you as absolute fools.

Some people in the neighborhood would be happy with absolutely nothing, just for the solid reason it is not exactly what they want, even though, exactly what they need is willing to post up in our back yard.

I am disgusted continuously to listen to some peoples inane diatribes about stopping progress, if a WalMart wants to be in our back yard, Great. So they want to pay workers minimum wage, who cares, I know young men and women that would love A job that Older People are not taking from them.

A good majority of people that live in this neighborhood forget that there are some seriously ravaged areas of the city, the type of stuff you watch documentaries on from netflix. I am out in these areas working hands on. Lets call a spade a spade here, if you are opposing WalMart, you have never been broke.

If any of you have ever experienced what people experience in these areas you would want to get out as soon as you get the chance, the only problem is, the odds are stacked completely against you doing so, trust me. I am a rarity of my environment.

If all we ever do is whine about progress, and stop it when its in our hands, we might as well be dead. For a lot of the people i talk to, i am disgusted that i share this gorgeous neighborhood with you.

You act like you're an Elite, when in actuality you bought in this neighborhood for the same reasons my wife and i did, its affordable and nice enough, never mind that last night i just heard a continuous barrage of hand gun fire.

So, You can pretend like nothing needs to change or we can actually have the chance to have some real direct change, and trust me, things cannot get worse around here, we already have a gang in the neighborhood that keeps us safe.

So, what i am really saying is, if you were against WalMart from the moment you found out it was coming, please put your money where your mouth is, Sell your property, move to Bucktown (they love your hipster mentality) and Go Shop At Whole Foods. Some of you disgust me to a degree i didn't even know possible.


Michael P Bliss 7735595774

p.s. if you feel like i am talking about you, i am, call me and we can have a beer, and i will say the same things.

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