Thursday, February 11, 2010

The John Mayer Disease.......

I really thought I could avoid this, but i can't. It wouldn't be proper if i didn't address this. I HATE seeing things like this, it bothers me more then just the slip of a pejorative or even the Nappy Headed Hoe thing, this is waaaaaaay more deep then that. Those things you can say...."that white dude just called me a ****** welp. fuck em he's an idiot lets move forward." at least with that you KNOW WHERE THEY STAND FROM THE GET GO. it's in the spirit of all the way ONE HUNNED as it were.

It's another, to sit there and say your personal plight is akin to a COMPLETE STEREOTYPE of a very small portion of a race. DUDE, YOU ARE A BLUE EYED SOUL GUITAR PLAYER PLAYING THE BLUES!!!!!!!, what is wrong with you? that isn't cool. Why would you abuse your privilege of being able to unite people? that means, you are a bigger jerk then what i ever would have thought.

My plight is not greater then anyone else's, and in fact someone else's plight might be greater then anything i could ever imagine or have personally experienced. And my hat is off to you. *tips my NEW ERA fitted* you even fooled THIS WHITE guy. that shit is tough to do my dude, and you did it.

I grew up around HARDCORE racists, and to be honest they are better at being true to themselves then you are or could ever be. They will drop a pejorative at the drop of a hat and not think twice. You spoke your mind freely, and now that you did, you are reeling and dealing to get back to where i thought you might have been.

like my math teacher Mr. Lathrop always said, "mean what you say, and say what you mean" well my dude, you did just that, but now you look like more of an asshole retracting statements, instead of saying. "yeah i said it. could i have said it better, sure, but it doesn't take away from what i said" instead, you take that pussy PR approach and try to apologize for shit you said.

That ish was in an interview, a recorded interview for a printed publication. YOU GET A DUMBFUCK AWARD for that. if you are going to say COMPLETELY INSENSITIVE shit too a lot of people, large scale and INDIVIDUALISTIC, please have the spine to back up what you said.

Sir, you proved a great point in all of this, and unfortunately i don't think its one many would pick up on, right now, but your Faggy Hipster Fans are defending your Idiotic Hipster Logic in all of this shit. You are the true poster child to the HIPSTER movement. i have a personal personal motto for HIPSTERS......

Be Disingenuous To Thine Own Self.

you live up to that phrase more swimmingly now then you ever did before. sheesh, i didn't see it coming, i should have since a good portion of your fans are hipsters anyhow.

There is a saying that you gotta love yourself and that you can never play yourself, but guess what. you played yourself. with no credibility, sincerity or deference to anyone and including yourself, have a sad and lonely existence with all of the Hipsters of the world.

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