I’m one for a good conspiracy theory, I really am, but there comes a time and place when you need to grow up, and realize sometimes bad things just happen. Sometimes you end up making pretend that all of these elaborate stories and nonsensical talking circles will lead you somewhere.
Now, that time and place has come for Truthers. If you idiots are so certain that 9/11 was an inside job, what makes you so damn sure that YOU would know. For fucks sakes, you also happen to be the same jackasses who think that the moon landing didn’t occur.
I mean just because you didn’t land on the moon with them, does not mean it did not happen. I got on stage and rapped with Rhymefest in STL, just because your bitch ass wasn’t there to witness it does not mean it didn’t happen. Also just because you didn’t pull the trigger on Osama Bin Laden does not mean he is not dead and being dined on by some Tuna.
I just cannot for the life of me remember why no one hasn’t put truthers in those FEMA death coffins, because I know that I pray to god hoping that you get placed in them. Also truthers, you also happen to be some of the overall dumbest people, who also think the government is watching you from your damn Digital converter box.
Most people I know who are truthers are way too dumb, poor, boring and lazy for the government to give two fucks about you. They would be bored as shit watching you watch Maury, Fahrenheit 9/11 and where ever you d-bags get your exceptionally erroneous information from.
All this talk about how the towers fell and blah blah blah, but the last time I checked, you were not a Aerospace Engineer, Structural Engineer, Chemical Engineer, Pilot, Civil Engineer nor a human. I remember September 11, 2001. It was my first day of Cosmetology School.
I remember how I felt; I also remember all the people who died that day, and the people who gave their lives to save others. I remember seeing the footage and how surreal it was, and knowing that some really sick fuck dreamed this up, all because he wanted to seek revenge.
But, no, I can’t have my moment to reflect on how tragic it was and how helpless we all were, I get to listen to your stupid psycho babble about thermite bombs and blah blah blah blah, and i end you with this truthers http://www.stfu.info/
Icy Mike
Friday, May 6, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Dear Miss 'Religious'
I'm tired of you, i really am. It seems to be, that you come out of the woodwork every now and then to either, scorn those that are not exactly like you, enough like you, completely different than you or you just want to start a little bit of row, i'll admidt, 5 years ago, you were interesting and new and fun.
You were that hot chick with no brain, you had all the right features, you were for pleasure and to be looked upon as a trophy, but now that you are in you're older in age and your body is sagging and you just happen to be dumb as all get out. I'll amidt Miss 'Religious' i had a good time with you, but now, i am done.
I remember like it was just yesterday, we met, you were new and exciting, you were fiesty and full of pazazz! you had a spark to you that this Lutheran boy wasn't used to, you lead me near to the edge of insanity, you lead me back the edge of Islam, you lead me to the edge to berate people because they aren't as awesome as you. but, you know what Miss 'Religious'? I cannot stand you...
Through all my years of travels and 29 years of life, the one thing i have found that you haven't, is we are all the same. I know you were teaching me that we are different and we don't need to respect those idiological differences, but the more i have learned is we are so much more alike than we shall ever be different, but that would be too easy for you wouldn't it Miss 'Religious'?
You'd like to show up some time and say "why do you have ashes on your head, don't you know that's the mark of the beast" and i will say "Bitch are you high? i do this out of respect and deference of self sacrifice, not all things are to be taken literal, especially when the Bible has been translated a minnium of 5 times before english, now go take your shit starting, hoe ass, else where."
The End.
You were that hot chick with no brain, you had all the right features, you were for pleasure and to be looked upon as a trophy, but now that you are in you're older in age and your body is sagging and you just happen to be dumb as all get out. I'll amidt Miss 'Religious' i had a good time with you, but now, i am done.
I remember like it was just yesterday, we met, you were new and exciting, you were fiesty and full of pazazz! you had a spark to you that this Lutheran boy wasn't used to, you lead me near to the edge of insanity, you lead me back the edge of Islam, you lead me to the edge to berate people because they aren't as awesome as you. but, you know what Miss 'Religious'? I cannot stand you...
Through all my years of travels and 29 years of life, the one thing i have found that you haven't, is we are all the same. I know you were teaching me that we are different and we don't need to respect those idiological differences, but the more i have learned is we are so much more alike than we shall ever be different, but that would be too easy for you wouldn't it Miss 'Religious'?
You'd like to show up some time and say "why do you have ashes on your head, don't you know that's the mark of the beast" and i will say "Bitch are you high? i do this out of respect and deference of self sacrifice, not all things are to be taken literal, especially when the Bible has been translated a minnium of 5 times before english, now go take your shit starting, hoe ass, else where."
The End.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The Power Of Choice...Album Review
It’s been a while that i have done an album review, and to be honest, it has been a while to where i have felt the need to even write one. Every now and then, an album comes along and i feel compelled to share my excitement for the project.
Kev Choice is my artist of the Year. I met Kev almost 2 years ago when he was performing at the same venue as my good friend Finale (shout out to Detroit) at Morseland Lounge, in Rogers Park. One thing instantly realized was how different Kev was as performer, he was rapping, playing piano & i wondered, why hadn’t someone done this before, it perfect!
Kev Choice is from Oakland and studied at Southern Illinois University (i read his bio lol) that he is classically trained pianist. The first album i got from Kev at Morseland was ‘The Bailout’. The Bailout was okay, it was moment in mixtape time, but i could sense where he was heading as an artist, and have been eagerly waiting for his next full album.
Now, I say all of that to say this. ‘The Power Of Choice’ is single handedly one of the better albums i have picked up in the past 15 years. This is a wonderful album where it puts hip hop in a package to where, it is just good music & not pigeonholed into ‘insert rap genre’.
It transcends the issues that most ‘up & coming’ rappers have, insecurity, and mad that no one has signed them or gives them props. Instead, where there was sincere frustration, came some serious catharsis with songs that deal with issues we all go through…i.e. The Stuggle, Let It All Go, These Words, Dearly Departed & Arietta…
Arietta is my personal favorite track on the album, and it’s one of the only ending tracks on an album, to where at the end of the Arietta, i am happy with silence, its great to reflect on what you have just listened to. Such a wonderful break up song, even if you took his Rapping off of the track, the piano weeps a wonderful tear filled heartbreak, its beautiful. Minor Cords get me every time.
He has tracks for just about every mood you are facing during the day, week, month or in life. i bought the album a week and a half, and you know, this album will be pleasurable 10 years from now, its got a great neo-soul vibe on a few of the tracks, and just a really solid release from someone who produced most of his album.
This is one of the few hip-hop albums i can play for my nephews and niece and not feel embarrassed, because of all the swearing on it. In fact, there is only one track where there is swearing and that is on The Struggle, and it is completely justified, poignant and well needed, sometimes you need to swear to express certain types of anger…i.e. the murder of Oscar Grant and the inappropriate actions that surrounded that whole murder.
I will say this very simply, I looked at all the Albums that are tentatively to be released this year, and honestly, either on an independent or major label or no label, this is the album to beat, solid arrangement, subject matter, production, being poignant and reflective without being alienating or preachy. It’s a job well done and much worth waiting for.
Thank you so much Kev for your hard work. Glad to hear how much you have matured, can’t wait to hear what you are making when you are 40. Also, if you hear that Kev Choice is in your town, go see this man, he is a great musician & a hell of an entertainer.
http://kevchoice.bandcamp.com/ «« go hear to preview and then BUY the Album.
Kev Choice is my artist of the Year. I met Kev almost 2 years ago when he was performing at the same venue as my good friend Finale (shout out to Detroit) at Morseland Lounge, in Rogers Park. One thing instantly realized was how different Kev was as performer, he was rapping, playing piano & i wondered, why hadn’t someone done this before, it perfect!
Kev Choice is from Oakland and studied at Southern Illinois University (i read his bio lol) that he is classically trained pianist. The first album i got from Kev at Morseland was ‘The Bailout’. The Bailout was okay, it was moment in mixtape time, but i could sense where he was heading as an artist, and have been eagerly waiting for his next full album.
Now, I say all of that to say this. ‘The Power Of Choice’ is single handedly one of the better albums i have picked up in the past 15 years. This is a wonderful album where it puts hip hop in a package to where, it is just good music & not pigeonholed into ‘insert rap genre’.
It transcends the issues that most ‘up & coming’ rappers have, insecurity, and mad that no one has signed them or gives them props. Instead, where there was sincere frustration, came some serious catharsis with songs that deal with issues we all go through…i.e. The Stuggle, Let It All Go, These Words, Dearly Departed & Arietta…
Arietta is my personal favorite track on the album, and it’s one of the only ending tracks on an album, to where at the end of the Arietta, i am happy with silence, its great to reflect on what you have just listened to. Such a wonderful break up song, even if you took his Rapping off of the track, the piano weeps a wonderful tear filled heartbreak, its beautiful. Minor Cords get me every time.
He has tracks for just about every mood you are facing during the day, week, month or in life. i bought the album a week and a half, and you know, this album will be pleasurable 10 years from now, its got a great neo-soul vibe on a few of the tracks, and just a really solid release from someone who produced most of his album.
This is one of the few hip-hop albums i can play for my nephews and niece and not feel embarrassed, because of all the swearing on it. In fact, there is only one track where there is swearing and that is on The Struggle, and it is completely justified, poignant and well needed, sometimes you need to swear to express certain types of anger…i.e. the murder of Oscar Grant and the inappropriate actions that surrounded that whole murder.
I will say this very simply, I looked at all the Albums that are tentatively to be released this year, and honestly, either on an independent or major label or no label, this is the album to beat, solid arrangement, subject matter, production, being poignant and reflective without being alienating or preachy. It’s a job well done and much worth waiting for.
Thank you so much Kev for your hard work. Glad to hear how much you have matured, can’t wait to hear what you are making when you are 40. Also, if you hear that Kev Choice is in your town, go see this man, he is a great musician & a hell of an entertainer.
http://kevchoice.bandcamp.com/ «« go hear to preview and then BUY the Album.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
When Indifference Strikes....
That is my biggest fear that I feel plagues my generation. I know we can all get on our dolo (do for self), we can all get out here and hustle and find a way to make it, we can invent new industries and even make the impossible look simple and mundane, but my biggest fear is that we are growing indifferent.
When we hear of a tragedy that strikes somewhere, like the toxic chemical spill in Hungary just this past year, flooding in Pakistan, The Christian church being bombed in Alexandria, Egypt on New Year’s Eve, flooding in Queensland, Australia, you know some really horrid shit or even the BP Oil Spill which is worse in ways that we don't even know about, most of us fall silent...or even worse.
We end up making a huge deal about Haiti, or BP with absolutely no follow through, no resolve and absolutely no solutions. Just find people to yell at, get mad at, shake our fists at, but when it comes time to take action to make a real difference, we text a number give 99 cents, dust our hands off and say "that’s that".
Haiti is so bad right now, I don't even think we know how long it will take for them to recover fully, I honestly say 20 years, who knows, that could be a gross over estimation or underestimation, the one thing I know for sure is, if we want to really help Haiti, Join Peace Corp or the US Armed forces, because that is the only way we can genuinely contribute to the sustainable progress of Haiti.
With BP, the order is simple, stop supporting BP at any level, we would put BP out of business in two years or less if everyone in the US stopped using any BP products, but hey, that would mean we need to stick our ethics and we all know we are not going to do that.
One thing that is becoming evident in all of this media circus of us vs them & them vs us, we are some damn fools. We are all, all day suckers down to the soggy stick. We are seriously in time of grieving of a serious national tragedy, it does not matter what caused it or who’s to blame. That is a flawed mentality of how we got here in the first place.
I cannot ascribe to that bit of philosophy for one moment. We tend to only speak on tragedies when they are convenient to be able to point the finger or to make us feel at peace with what happened in the news. I'm not sure how the fuck we got to this new found low in humanity, all I know is I would like us to stop this crazy amount of bullshit.
To think that style of shooting couldn't happen anywhere is unrealistic, and to think that one of our family members could have easily been involved in something very similar is frightening and sickening. I would hope to God that we would not try to dumb down the severity of the shock and horror to a level of indifference and play it off as a kanye style shoulder shrug.
I have too much faith in humanity as a whole to let some sick moron speak for the greater whole of all Americans, I refuse to believe we are at a level in America where ever horrific tragedy becomes a political talking point and lets spin the wheel of blame.
We just had a fired teacher's husband in Florida just last month take a school board hostage at a meeting, shoot one of the school board members then kill himself, then the media had the audacity to play the video footage on air with no context.
All I could think of, is if my wife, my sister, my sister-in-law and other family and friends that happen to be teachers if they had been sitting on a school council members board meeting and were shot, and I actually had to watch the footage of someone I love very dearly get shot, I would be saddened to a whole new level of low.
We are beginning to play sport with people’s lives for the sake of ratings, the first to cover the beat, to cover the scoop, to be the first in the know, the first to say fuck this particular company, but yet we tend to always be the last to stand up and say, enough of this style and type of nonsense.
I know a lot of this is a big ramble, I’m bothered to believe that maybe indifference has laid its nest in all of us, apathy is now starting to hatch, and inaction is about to take its permanency. The one thing that got all of this nonsense was a sly creature called cynicism, that we actually think is a close friend to being studious.
The biggest problem with that is it’s not even close. Being a Student is the son of Knowledge, which is the son of Wisdom. Wisdom is the Grand Father of all that is righteous and good. Knowledge is the Father that helps his Son the Student learn the lessons that Wisdom has bestowed upon us all.
I think one dude said a long time ago, and I think I will paraphrase him to end this whole long blog.......
Peace. Be Still.
When we hear of a tragedy that strikes somewhere, like the toxic chemical spill in Hungary just this past year, flooding in Pakistan, The Christian church being bombed in Alexandria, Egypt on New Year’s Eve, flooding in Queensland, Australia, you know some really horrid shit or even the BP Oil Spill which is worse in ways that we don't even know about, most of us fall silent...or even worse.
We end up making a huge deal about Haiti, or BP with absolutely no follow through, no resolve and absolutely no solutions. Just find people to yell at, get mad at, shake our fists at, but when it comes time to take action to make a real difference, we text a number give 99 cents, dust our hands off and say "that’s that".
Haiti is so bad right now, I don't even think we know how long it will take for them to recover fully, I honestly say 20 years, who knows, that could be a gross over estimation or underestimation, the one thing I know for sure is, if we want to really help Haiti, Join Peace Corp or the US Armed forces, because that is the only way we can genuinely contribute to the sustainable progress of Haiti.
With BP, the order is simple, stop supporting BP at any level, we would put BP out of business in two years or less if everyone in the US stopped using any BP products, but hey, that would mean we need to stick our ethics and we all know we are not going to do that.
One thing that is becoming evident in all of this media circus of us vs them & them vs us, we are some damn fools. We are all, all day suckers down to the soggy stick. We are seriously in time of grieving of a serious national tragedy, it does not matter what caused it or who’s to blame. That is a flawed mentality of how we got here in the first place.
I cannot ascribe to that bit of philosophy for one moment. We tend to only speak on tragedies when they are convenient to be able to point the finger or to make us feel at peace with what happened in the news. I'm not sure how the fuck we got to this new found low in humanity, all I know is I would like us to stop this crazy amount of bullshit.
To think that style of shooting couldn't happen anywhere is unrealistic, and to think that one of our family members could have easily been involved in something very similar is frightening and sickening. I would hope to God that we would not try to dumb down the severity of the shock and horror to a level of indifference and play it off as a kanye style shoulder shrug.
I have too much faith in humanity as a whole to let some sick moron speak for the greater whole of all Americans, I refuse to believe we are at a level in America where ever horrific tragedy becomes a political talking point and lets spin the wheel of blame.
We just had a fired teacher's husband in Florida just last month take a school board hostage at a meeting, shoot one of the school board members then kill himself, then the media had the audacity to play the video footage on air with no context.
All I could think of, is if my wife, my sister, my sister-in-law and other family and friends that happen to be teachers if they had been sitting on a school council members board meeting and were shot, and I actually had to watch the footage of someone I love very dearly get shot, I would be saddened to a whole new level of low.
We are beginning to play sport with people’s lives for the sake of ratings, the first to cover the beat, to cover the scoop, to be the first in the know, the first to say fuck this particular company, but yet we tend to always be the last to stand up and say, enough of this style and type of nonsense.
I know a lot of this is a big ramble, I’m bothered to believe that maybe indifference has laid its nest in all of us, apathy is now starting to hatch, and inaction is about to take its permanency. The one thing that got all of this nonsense was a sly creature called cynicism, that we actually think is a close friend to being studious.
The biggest problem with that is it’s not even close. Being a Student is the son of Knowledge, which is the son of Wisdom. Wisdom is the Grand Father of all that is righteous and good. Knowledge is the Father that helps his Son the Student learn the lessons that Wisdom has bestowed upon us all.
I think one dude said a long time ago, and I think I will paraphrase him to end this whole long blog.......
Peace. Be Still.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Favorite Albums & Mixtapes in 2010....
These are not all albums that came out in 2010, but they are albums and mix-tapes that i have rocked the hell out of this past year. I listen to a lot of music and buy a lot, these are a list of albums i highly recommend everyone picking up. I have a lot more music i purchased or was given to me in the past year, but these are all albums i can make strong recommendation.
I can list singles, but at the same time, thats what has gotten us into the mess we are in right now with the recording industry. Everyone wants ish for free, but when it comes time to pony up cash for shows, or even at the least $10 for an entire album which you own for ever, yall get shy. Ten bucks to own some art that is yours forever is really cheap, and helps keep new artists coming up.
I am a huge supporter of the arts & especially music. I'm even taking the time to link you to where to download the mix-tapes, and in me doing so, when you hear that they are in your town, or you hear they are dropping something on iTunes, do them and yourself a huge favor.
Buy there art. By putting our money where our complaining mouths are, we will start to see a change in music production. Because if we fans don't start taking responsibility for the music we want to hear in a monetary fashion and keep supporting wackness when a video comes on and bootlegging art you continue to be the problem.
The radio has never had balance, and it still doesn't, nor will it ever. The only thing you can do is control the art you consume, and to be honest, I've never been one for the Radio. Most of the things i listen to aren't really played on the local airwaves. Never-the-less here is my music list of this year. also, in no particular order.
P.S. Guess what, you can find the other 9 non-free LP's on itunes, $90 well spent i say!
The Roots-How I Got Over
Hey Champ!-Star
Vampire Weekend-Vampire Weekend (c)2008
Curren$y-Pilot Talk II
Steely Dan-Aja (c)1977
Curren$y-Pilot Talk
System Of A Down-Toxicity (c)2001
Vandalyzm-Megatron Majors Redux
Curren$y-Smokee Robinson *mixtape*
Vandalyzm-Vandalyzm Is Not The Father *Mixtape*
Sean Falyon-Sean Falyon Be Everywhere *Mixtape*
The Paxtons-Manhattan Project *Mixtape*
DJ Trackstar-From Marcy To Madison St *Mixtape*
Rockwell Knuckles-Choose Your Own Adventure *Mixtape*
Black Spade-Build & Destroy *Mixtape*
I can list singles, but at the same time, thats what has gotten us into the mess we are in right now with the recording industry. Everyone wants ish for free, but when it comes time to pony up cash for shows, or even at the least $10 for an entire album which you own for ever, yall get shy. Ten bucks to own some art that is yours forever is really cheap, and helps keep new artists coming up.
I am a huge supporter of the arts & especially music. I'm even taking the time to link you to where to download the mix-tapes, and in me doing so, when you hear that they are in your town, or you hear they are dropping something on iTunes, do them and yourself a huge favor.
Buy there art. By putting our money where our complaining mouths are, we will start to see a change in music production. Because if we fans don't start taking responsibility for the music we want to hear in a monetary fashion and keep supporting wackness when a video comes on and bootlegging art you continue to be the problem.
The radio has never had balance, and it still doesn't, nor will it ever. The only thing you can do is control the art you consume, and to be honest, I've never been one for the Radio. Most of the things i listen to aren't really played on the local airwaves. Never-the-less here is my music list of this year. also, in no particular order.
P.S. Guess what, you can find the other 9 non-free LP's on itunes, $90 well spent i say!
The Roots-How I Got Over
Hey Champ!-Star
Vampire Weekend-Vampire Weekend (c)2008
Curren$y-Pilot Talk II
Steely Dan-Aja (c)1977
Curren$y-Pilot Talk
System Of A Down-Toxicity (c)2001
Vandalyzm-Megatron Majors Redux
Curren$y-Smokee Robinson *mixtape*
Vandalyzm-Vandalyzm Is Not The Father *Mixtape*
Sean Falyon-Sean Falyon Be Everywhere *Mixtape*
The Paxtons-Manhattan Project *Mixtape*
DJ Trackstar-From Marcy To Madison St *Mixtape*
Rockwell Knuckles-Choose Your Own Adventure *Mixtape*
Black Spade-Build & Destroy *Mixtape*
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Year of the Tick & The Life of a Grasshopper.
I would love to have some words of wisdom for this year’s end, but I would really like to write a nasty and mean spirited note. I've wanted to say a whole lot of go eff yourselves to a large number of people this past year more than ever recorded in my personal history.
The one common thread amongst all of those people is that they are Ticks. Ticks have a way of attaching themselves to you. You don't mind so much because it seems insignificant because they are so small and only 1.
After a time you notice that you have 3 then 9 then 11 then 35, yet you don't mind because you pull them off with tweezers. Then you finally notice that you have 77 Ticks on you, you rid yourself of them, you initially feel better, but that fades after three days. Then you notice after that third day that you are extremely ill, and the people you once considered friends, are no longer there.
You end up realizing that with the one, two and third tick it was not much, but it wasn't until after they drained you that it became serious. I've dealt with so many Ticks in the past year to date, that I have had to learn a valuable lesson. I'm staying out of certain forests.
The Tropical Rain Forest looks great on video, pictures and print. Yet in reality, it’s the Ticks and alike that will kill you. No big monsters in the Tropical Rain Forest, yet everyone who is in that forest is all infected by the same bug, that is no longer for I.
I’ve been wanting Ticks stop being Ticks, but alas. A Tick shall be nothing more than a Tick, and I am a fool for thinking that it should be something more, because it is not possible. If you’re a Tick, be the best tick possible. If you’re a Grasshopper, be the best Grasshopper possible.
Me, I need to stop being naive and accept what I see, and then move on from there. We all can’t be grasshoppers, and I should stop assuming that Ticks would want to aspire to be more than that, because someone out there would love for me to be a Tarantula, and all I can be is a Grasshopper.
The one common thread amongst all of those people is that they are Ticks. Ticks have a way of attaching themselves to you. You don't mind so much because it seems insignificant because they are so small and only 1.
After a time you notice that you have 3 then 9 then 11 then 35, yet you don't mind because you pull them off with tweezers. Then you finally notice that you have 77 Ticks on you, you rid yourself of them, you initially feel better, but that fades after three days. Then you notice after that third day that you are extremely ill, and the people you once considered friends, are no longer there.
You end up realizing that with the one, two and third tick it was not much, but it wasn't until after they drained you that it became serious. I've dealt with so many Ticks in the past year to date, that I have had to learn a valuable lesson. I'm staying out of certain forests.
The Tropical Rain Forest looks great on video, pictures and print. Yet in reality, it’s the Ticks and alike that will kill you. No big monsters in the Tropical Rain Forest, yet everyone who is in that forest is all infected by the same bug, that is no longer for I.
I’ve been wanting Ticks stop being Ticks, but alas. A Tick shall be nothing more than a Tick, and I am a fool for thinking that it should be something more, because it is not possible. If you’re a Tick, be the best tick possible. If you’re a Grasshopper, be the best Grasshopper possible.
Me, I need to stop being naive and accept what I see, and then move on from there. We all can’t be grasshoppers, and I should stop assuming that Ticks would want to aspire to be more than that, because someone out there would love for me to be a Tarantula, and all I can be is a Grasshopper.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Why I don't support Rhymefest for City Council...

Che Smith is a personal friend of mine, but in all honesty I don't know Rhymefest better than any of my other hip-hop heads and artist that have performed with him. I've met Rhymefest on a few occasions, I think one time I even performed with him, bought a few of his albums, but the one thing that remains. I fully support Che "Rhymefest" Smith for 20th Ward City Council.
I support this particular City Council run like my life depends on it, because in all honesty, our future is at stake. As I've been more involved in this process, the more people I talk to the more I understand why people avoid politics all together.
People don't want to get hurt in the entire electoral process. This country does revere its right to vote, they are just afraid to take a stand and be part of process that is lengthy and filled many cul-de-sacs. Also with the fact that, it won't be an instant turn around, and that it can take years to accomplish ones single solitary mission.
I just want to let all of you know, we must not wait any longer to get involved in the political process or just the process of life. None of us are getting any younger. Where will you be in 25 years? 2 years from now what do you have planned?
If we never looked into the future to see where we are going, we will be ship wrecked and stranded hoping someone will come to our rescue, only to find out, we had the life raft with us all along and we just stayed on a lonely island wishing and dreaming our life away of being saved.
I know for a fact i have a very strong and talented group of people around me. I have family & friends that are Ordained Pastors, Doctors, Musicians, Electricians, Mechanics, Politicians, Business Owners, Teachers, Pre-Med Students, Nurses, Air Force Pilots, Marines, Lt. Col. in the Army, Professional Athletes, Construction Workers, Barbers, Humanitarians, Philanthropists, Factory Employees, Husbands, Wives, Parents, Single Parents, Students and that is just a touch of who we are.
We are strong, and we are a great group of men and women. We just need to take more responsibility in our own lives and also for those that are around us. If we don't start being more proactive in our lives, we will forever be left waiting our lives away for our ship to come.
I'm asking all of my friends, twitter followers, fans of Rhymefest (huge fan of that guy! lol), high school friends, family members, congregation members, old co-workers, over seas friends, lets please start looking forward, and stop being Captain Hindsight to all of our local, county, state, federal and world ills. Lets be more proactive and responsible.
Our message is simple: February 22nd, 2011 It's a call to action, It's a call for Personal Responsibility.
"We are not trying to reinvent the wheel, We're just reinstating it." (c) Che "Rhymefest" Smith
Icy Mike
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