Thursday, January 13, 2011

When Indifference Strikes....

That is my biggest fear that I feel plagues my generation. I know we can all get on our dolo (do for self), we can all get out here and hustle and find a way to make it, we can invent new industries and even make the impossible look simple and mundane, but my biggest fear is that we are growing indifferent.

When we hear of a tragedy that strikes somewhere, like the toxic chemical spill in Hungary just this past year, flooding in Pakistan, The Christian church being bombed in Alexandria, Egypt on New Year’s Eve, flooding in Queensland, Australia, you know some really horrid shit or even the BP Oil Spill which is worse in ways that we don't even know about, most of us fall silent...or even worse.

We end up making a huge deal about Haiti, or BP with absolutely no follow through, no resolve and absolutely no solutions. Just find people to yell at, get mad at, shake our fists at, but when it comes time to take action to make a real difference, we text a number give 99 cents, dust our hands off and say "that’s that".

Haiti is so bad right now, I don't even think we know how long it will take for them to recover fully, I honestly say 20 years, who knows, that could be a gross over estimation or underestimation, the one thing I know for sure is, if we want to really help Haiti, Join Peace Corp or the US Armed forces, because that is the only way we can genuinely contribute to the sustainable progress of Haiti.

With BP, the order is simple, stop supporting BP at any level, we would put BP out of business in two years or less if everyone in the US stopped using any BP products, but hey, that would mean we need to stick our ethics and we all know we are not going to do that.

One thing that is becoming evident in all of this media circus of us vs them & them vs us, we are some damn fools. We are all, all day suckers down to the soggy stick. We are seriously in time of grieving of a serious national tragedy, it does not matter what caused it or who’s to blame. That is a flawed mentality of how we got here in the first place.

I cannot ascribe to that bit of philosophy for one moment. We tend to only speak on tragedies when they are convenient to be able to point the finger or to make us feel at peace with what happened in the news. I'm not sure how the fuck we got to this new found low in humanity, all I know is I would like us to stop this crazy amount of bullshit.

To think that style of shooting couldn't happen anywhere is unrealistic, and to think that one of our family members could have easily been involved in something very similar is frightening and sickening. I would hope to God that we would not try to dumb down the severity of the shock and horror to a level of indifference and play it off as a kanye style shoulder shrug.

I have too much faith in humanity as a whole to let some sick moron speak for the greater whole of all Americans, I refuse to believe we are at a level in America where ever horrific tragedy becomes a political talking point and lets spin the wheel of blame.

We just had a fired teacher's husband in Florida just last month take a school board hostage at a meeting, shoot one of the school board members then kill himself, then the media had the audacity to play the video footage on air with no context.

All I could think of, is if my wife, my sister, my sister-in-law and other family and friends that happen to be teachers if they had been sitting on a school council members board meeting and were shot, and I actually had to watch the footage of someone I love very dearly get shot, I would be saddened to a whole new level of low.

We are beginning to play sport with people’s lives for the sake of ratings, the first to cover the beat, to cover the scoop, to be the first in the know, the first to say fuck this particular company, but yet we tend to always be the last to stand up and say, enough of this style and type of nonsense.

I know a lot of this is a big ramble, I’m bothered to believe that maybe indifference has laid its nest in all of us, apathy is now starting to hatch, and inaction is about to take its permanency. The one thing that got all of this nonsense was a sly creature called cynicism, that we actually think is a close friend to being studious.

The biggest problem with that is it’s not even close. Being a Student is the son of Knowledge, which is the son of Wisdom. Wisdom is the Grand Father of all that is righteous and good. Knowledge is the Father that helps his Son the Student learn the lessons that Wisdom has bestowed upon us all.

I think one dude said a long time ago, and I think I will paraphrase him to end this whole long blog.......

Peace. Be Still.

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