Monday, June 22, 2009

God and YOU................

This is something i have been battling with for a good while now. it's the whole belief in a higher power, a supreme being, God if you will. I've thought long and hard, and thought about why people believe and then sat and picked apart the scabs that people show from there flaws with there direct connection with Christianity. i almost found my self in a spot to where i was so unhappy i almost convinced myself i was athiest(stupid i know). while getting to that point i found myself the ugliest and least like myself.

I just want to share a few things with you i have discovered about myself. most of my favorite memories involve the Concept of God pretty directly. I love classic Church Hymns, part of the reason i love classical music and part of the reason why i was in band and love to sing, it's also part of the reason why i love ALL music, was being in church all the time and hear the different keys, time signatures and all other sorts of stuff.

I love the outdoors. I love being out side i can thank Camp Mowana so much for that. being in nature, joining in song, comradeship and meeting some of the dopest people i have ever known to walk the know who you are, RIP Hippy Longstockings, you are an amazing soul. I love the feeling of being out in the open and getting away from the so called things we need, in which we don't need most of them.

I love my Wife. I owe a huge amount of gratitude to a lot of people and Daralyn is one of them. if it wasn't for her and i meeting, i wouldn't be writing this right now, seriously. Life just happens very strangely and you just need to be open to new experiences and not shut your brain down. take your headphones off and talk to the person next to you on the bus it might change your life, or you might laugh your ass off, which is just as good.

I love my family. I wouldn't be anywhere without them. seriously. to know me is to know a good portion of me, and to know my history. we all come from dysfunctional families it's time to grow up and move beyond the shit that happened when you were 3,4,5,6,13, etc...and start paving your own way.

I know most of this seems pretty vague but its not to convert, just to convey how happy the concept of God/Allah/Jesus has been in my life. while the complete and total REAL factor that so many people are after these days might be void, the same could be said for Lincoln, Gandhi, Harold(from harold and the purple crayon), the mouse from if you give a mouse a cookie. if those people can have a large effect on you with out them being physically present ever in your life, can you seriously debate the importance that they hold in your life. My Grandma Mick (pbuh) might not mean much to you, but she was amazing and you never got to meet her, but she is with me all the time.

the same could be said for God. I don't know him/directly but it has seemed to pave a pretty solid path for me. i hope that you can be as genuinely happy as i am, because to know that something as abstract as God can bring me so many amazing people in my life is awesome. i just hope you can get to the point where you stop picking other peoples scabs and start healing your own.


Icy Mike.

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