Sunday, June 28, 2009

2 out of 3 agree that they stink.....

This is something that i have sitting on for a good while, it's my critique of the whole meltdown of 2 out of the 3 detroit auto companies. I remember thinking back to when i was about 12 years old looking at all of these new car lots and all of these fantastic new cars that came out year after year after year and began to wonder, who the hell is buying a new car every three years and why don't they slow don't production, i mean there really aren't that many NEW car buyers every year are there? and this is where i discovered they were all making bad decisions at the expense of EVERYONE.

Only ONE out of three makes smart decisions, and maybe that is the odds of what it comes down to with people in life anymore making good quality decisions. sad to think that it may be that way, but educators break there class rooms into thirds. 1/3 that really want to learn, 1/3 that kind of want to learn and lastly the 1/3 that just doesn't care.

those thirds break down simply. the first third is Ford Motor Company. that's right, the company that didn't invent anything great to the auto except total worker exploitation is on top....of the massive pile of shit that is the Detroit auto industry. Ford has been re-tooling for a good while dropping a lot of weight a long the way to make it's self more lean and a better company. Ford used to own part of Mazda, Aston Martin, Land Rover and Jaguar now they have no real stake in any of them.

the second 1/3 is GM, can't get it together and they also offer like also offer way too many of the same damn product across the board. why they kept Buick, Olds, Saturn, GMC, Saab, blah blah blah shit product for so long is beyond me. I stopped taking GM seriously when they did away with the Camero back in 2000. thats when i knew they didn't have me as a potential customer in mind in any way shape or form. they got addicted to making lost of product with NO REAL FEATURES.

the last of em is Chrysler. in the words of jay-z..WHAT MORE CAN I SAY!?!?!?!? damn, THE FIRST REAL AUTOMOBILE COMPANY EVER USED TO OWN A PORTION OF YOU. YOU MADE THEM LOSE LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY TO WHERE THEY DUMPED YOU OFF ON MICHIGAN AND TRUMBLE OUTSIDE A PARTIALLY TORN DOWN TIGER STADIUM. how the hell you couldn't make that work was incredible. first off, you folks at Chrysler should have gone down in the early 80's if i remember, but somehow you got government financing to secure your habit of making crap vehicles. congrats on lasting this long, because you should no longer.

Any on to the meat of the subject. it's sad actually, because i really don't know too many people that really, really, really like the cars that the "3" make. i know most of my mom's family drive Toyota's. i know my sister drives one, so does my brother and my wife and i drive VW's, my father in-law drives a Toyota and i think this might be his 2nd or third. Most of the folks i know personally that drive auto's don't drive "American"(what ever that means. my car is serviced in the good ole US of A every time it needs a fixin.).

i gave up on GM a good while ago, when they decided to cancel the camero. i used to drive a Dodge Neon, and it was cool, but it was missing somethings like cruise control and ABS. somethings i would never even look at a car if it did not have it.

It's funny that people talk a lot of mess about all the crazy things that German's do to cars and how advanced they make there products. but, it wasn't that long ago that you didn't need to have seat belts in cars. it was not too long ago that airbags came standard in cars. now, ABS is the soon to be new standard as with ESP/ASR(electronic stability program and acceleration slip regulation) ALL of this stuff is STANDARD on German cars. All of those things i have mentioned are brought to you by the helpful folks in Deutchland.

If it wasn't for them you would still be driving a Pinto that might explode on a rear end collision. or the fact that you might still be wanting that big ole OLD's 454 in a car that doesn't have the suspension for it, or the the new ford excursion that is now 9" longer than the suburban!!!!!! it's those types of mistakes that bring in a lot of excess of bigger is better. i mean the bigger the house the better it's got to be right? the bigger the vehicle the better the quality of life you will be living right? if i can tow a C-141 it means that i have got to be living the American dream right?

exactly, welcome to the world of self delusion, instant gratification and confusing necessity with luxury. next chapter, why the cell phone industry will die off see you in 4 years for that one.

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