Tuesday, July 14, 2009

it's the end of the world.....

well, not exactly but for some they really think so, even in this whole financial meltdown where did that money go? i sure as hell have no idea. Unemployment is on the rise but not for much longer. i'm 27 and they keep saying 26 year high, as if our attention spans only span only go that far back, although for some its even shorter. e.i. the Clinton years were the best this nation has seen, in which that is a lie, because as a home owner the GWB years were the best for you, as long as you didn't get caught buying a home in 2005, 2006, 2007 now if you did and you put no money down and an A.R.M. then you are feeling the pinch.

I really don't think it can be called a depression in the least. 10% is a lot, but 90% is much larger number, and out of that the average unemployment is about 5% throughout our history. to say that we are in a depression is disingenuous to folks that lived and survived the depression, we won't have any of those characteristics that they endured. The dust bowl for one. but, one thing i am seeing that happened then, they are fixing streets like crazy and i couldn't be happier.

the other part of this is the fact that Money is not real. There is nothing tangible to back money, no gold standard, no anything, we could go back to using sea shells and it would be the same. Money is a perceived value anymore, actually that is all it has ever been. If gold was the standard, why didn't we trade in gold? It's just interesting that they keep saying 26 year high in unemployment, but the highest we have seen in the past 65 years was in 1982 with 10.2% unemployment. that is a higher figure, but we are already starting to see some corrections.

Its a real interesting thing to ponder how they even figure out our growth as a nation. our nations growth is based on how much we spend, i don't think that is a logical tool to even try to say that our nation is doing well. Do you really need that many flat screen TV's? is it really that big of a deal that Circuit City went out of business, or more i should say a surprise? I like to spend money and do it often, its just what do you spend it on.

Daralyn and i won't have a TV in our new house, we will have our laptops, but we will not have a big TV taking up space and what not. for the money you spend on a nice plasma screen TV, you can go to Puerto Rico, and learn first hand about the nation instead of just watching about it on TV. It's interesting what people put stock in, do you value possessions or do you value time spent with friends and family? I hope that more people in these times will make an effort to spend it with family, vs buying that 70" plasma.



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