Tuesday, July 13, 2010

That White Man Is Racist! Jessies Jacksons Greatest Hits Album.

I've been sitting on this thought for a really long time now, and i think over the last so many years i've grown tired of his antics. I mean calling every Tom, Dick and Harry Racist is offensive. Its degrading and deplorable. Its really offensive to real racists.

Real Racist work waaaaaaaaay to hard to be racist, to just call someone you disagree with racist. I mean, Every year or two Jessie has to pop up and say, Hey out of Touch White Man!!! You're RACIST!!!!! and normally i let it slide, but this time he went a little too far.

Jessie calling a business owner a Slave Owner is just retarded. Jessie has as much in common with Don Imus in regards with dealing with the struggles with the black community. No matter what the occasion Jessie could be talking about an amazing Chicken Cobb Salad, and i know he would be waiting to call the salad racist for the reason it has chicken in it.

PUSH is based in Chicago, but i have yet to see them really do much. Ideologically i am at odds with The Nation Of Islam, for the fact that i have been called the White Devil more times then i care to talk about, but at the same time, NOI and Farrakhan do so much for the east side of Chicago, i will take it with a grain of Salt. Jessie does a lot for Jessie.

Jessie got a chance to run for President back in like the 80's or something, then when Obama really had a chance of winning, Jessie had to stick his head out and say some dumb shit, it's like with him the dumb ass verbal hits just keep on coming. Out of touch, out of energy, out of credit, so now its free for all to call all white men racist.

Give me a break Jessie, i am tired of your Greatest Hits Album, I mean, you really are the GOAT of calling out of touch people racist. No one calls nothing like you do, i mean, the fact that you have a few kids outside of your marriage is touching. I am still waiting for you to STFU.

I'm pretty sure, you had a message back in the day, when racism was as clear as White Only and Black Only drinking fountains, but unfortunately you are blast from the past, sounding like a washed up Emcee who is bitter that, new people have come in, and started something different, you sit in the back and say, "No one calls an out of touch white man racist like i did"

And for that, i say, Please sit down and stop embarrassing your legacy, you did a lot for the civil rights movement 50 years ago, but in the last 25 years, no one but people getting paid by being around you are taking you seriously.


Icy Mike

P.S. Fuck Mel Gibson, but i have hated him since the Passion. That shit was disgusting, but i guess, Jessie didn't have time for that as well, so he went for the completely stupid Dan Gilbert shot. sheesh, talk about missing a golden opportunity for an addition to the Greatest Hits Album.


J.R. LeMar said...

Agreed. Dan Gilbert acted like a whiney bitch with his ranting (I don't even watch Basketball, but now I'm rooting for the Heat to win the title next year, just to make Gilbert feel stupid), but there was no need for Jackson to jump into this with racist stuff.

On a similar note, apparently, the NAACP just passed a "resolution" @ their national convention, declaring the Tea Party Movement to be "racist." Now, I happen to think that a large majority of "Tea Partiers" are, in fact, primarily motivated by President Obama's skin color, but I don't see how this so-called resolution is supposed to help anything. Don't these people have anything better to do?

And, yeah, frak Mel Gibson.

ICY MIKE said...

they really don't. they really don't have anything better to do. at all. blaming white people is job number one. can go to blaming ones self for why you suck. that would require a soul.

But yeah, Frak MG.