Saturday, August 15, 2009

I remember 9-11

The day of terror was alive and horrible.
I remember feeling sad and confused.
As to why anyone would want to hurt the innocent.
So horribly and with great efficiency.
I was much younger then.
I knew very little of the horrors that we did.
19 years before my time was not my forte.
8 years i grew and began to know.
News began to surface, movies told the stories.
The mighty US began to feel vulnerable.
Suffering from not being well liked.
We did our best to buy happiness and force feed democracy.
All to no gain.
We like to help a touch too late.
We like to help in way that is not just.
Sanctions hurt those, that we mean not.
Powerful corruption hurts those that are destitute.
Inequality breeds the hatred to do evil.
The wealthy exploit to do the deed they never would.
We in turn reciprocate.
In a pompous fashion.
Jesus is mentioned.
To the victor go the spoils.
On our own turf it may be.
Tis a cycle we must end.
At all cost.
The differences are not there.
Just what minds eye perceives.
We Wake.
We Break Fast.
We Drink.
We Laugh.
We Live.
We Love.
We Parish.
C'est la vie.

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