Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Am Home.

In case you were wondering how Daralyn and I's trip went to the Dominican Republic, absolutely amazing to say the least, and not enough words to describe the joy that was this trip. if you want to find out everything, you really need to come visit Daralyn and I to explain all the complexities and awesomeness that was this trip, but i will leave with something i wrote on the Airplane before i landed into Miami from Santo Domingo, and it goes a little something like this.....

Everywhere, folks of all walks of life think that the grass is greener on the other side.
We all believe that truly, to a certain extent.
But, one thing for me, I like to stay planted and rooted in my imperfect yard.
My yard has dandelions, thistles, bare burnt patches, over walked and trampled areas.
Even the occasional bits of refuse that find it's way there.
It's important to get away and experience some else's green grass and the glistening dew.
Admire it's luster.
For a time.
And, think of the blades of grass as an amazing and lush lawn.
For a time.
I love my burnt yard covered in weeds and burnt patches.
Rats and Possums that eat from my garbage can.
All the pollution and silly luxuries that i fill in my life.
But, one thing that remains.
Time spent with loved ones is the greatest gift of all.
Louie Armstrong said it best.
I see friends shaking hands saying "How do you do? They're really saying, I Love You."
Dorthy from Wizard of Oz says "There's no place like home."
Other might say "Home is where the heart is."
And, all three are right.
My heart belongs to God, Me and Daralyn.
So, no matter where I end up as long as God is above, I am alive and Daralyn is by my side.
I Am Home.

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