Friday, May 6, 2011

Dear Truthers,

I’m one for a good conspiracy theory, I really am, but there comes a time and place when you need to grow up, and realize sometimes bad things just happen. Sometimes you end up making pretend that all of these elaborate stories and nonsensical talking circles will lead you somewhere.


Now, that time and place has come for Truthers. If you idiots are so certain that 9/11 was an inside job, what makes you so damn sure that YOU would know. For fucks sakes, you also happen to be the same jackasses who think that the moon landing didn’t occur.


I mean just because you didn’t land on the moon with them, does not mean it did not happen. I got on stage and rapped with Rhymefest in STL, just because your bitch ass wasn’t there to witness it does not mean it didn’t happen. Also just because you didn’t pull the trigger on Osama Bin Laden does not mean he is not dead and being dined on by some Tuna.


I just cannot for the life of me remember why no one hasn’t put truthers in those FEMA death coffins, because I know that I pray to god hoping that you get placed in them. Also truthers, you also happen to be some of the overall dumbest people, who also think the government is watching you from your damn Digital converter box.


Most people I know who are truthers are way too dumb, poor, boring and lazy for the government to give two fucks about you. They would be bored as shit watching you watch Maury, Fahrenheit 9/11 and where ever you d-bags get your exceptionally erroneous information from.


All this talk about how the towers fell and blah blah blah, but the last time I checked, you were not a Aerospace Engineer, Structural Engineer, Chemical Engineer, Pilot, Civil Engineer nor a human. I remember September 11, 2001. It was my first day of Cosmetology School.


I remember how I felt; I also remember all the people who died that day, and the people who gave their lives to save others. I remember seeing the footage and how surreal it was, and knowing that some really sick fuck dreamed this up, all because he wanted to seek revenge.


But, no, I can’t have my moment to reflect on how tragic it was and how helpless we all were, I get to listen to your stupid psycho babble about thermite bombs and blah blah blah blah, and i end you with this truthers




Icy Mike

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