Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sincere Ignorance

This was an issue that i had with 7-11 just right before i moved and closed on my house. so here you go, this is the email i sent 7-11 corporation, and they have not responded to me, to let me know what was done. i even invited the guy in charge of the case to my house after he responded to me the first time to show him the neighborhood. so here you go.......and that was the title of my complaint was Sincere Ignorance.

Both of these two employees displayed what i fear most and
what Dr. King said is the destroying our lives. "nothing in this world
is more dangerous then sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

It was nice that the middle aged lady recognized us from the night
before. he have been coming to this location frequently enough for over
last year, and we told her we weren't sure how much we would be back
after this week and she asked why. we told her we were buying a house in
South Pullman.

She immediately had a look of horror on her face, and told us that
people get shot over there all the time. My wife and i kept explaining
to her that this is the good part of the Pullman area, she kept
insisting that drive-bys happen in my neighborhood and i told her that
it was impossible for that to happen right where i lived, she continued
to display an obscene amount of ignorance.

She kept on saying it as though were certain truth, when i asked her to
name the specific area, she could not. She was going off of what the
Police officers have told her that patronize this particular location. I
kept explaining to her that happens literally on the other side of the
tracks, and also happens in Beverly, Morgan Park and even Evergreen
Park. She insisted in her sincere ignorance.

The only reason why she felt comfortable telling us these things is
because we are White. My father-in-law grew up in that area many years
ago and also likes the neighborhood we are moving to. Nothing is ever
perfect and nothing is ever certain, except one thing at the exact

I will never be back to this location ever again, and i will make sure
that every last person i meet, i tell them not to go to this location.

I let both of the ladies on duty tonight know this after I stepped
outside to get in my car, I kept telling the middle aged lady that I
could not continue this conversation with her.

I step outside of the store to get into the car with my wife, and then i
went back into the store to let them know that i would not ever be back.

The older lady proceeded in her own self righteous sincere ignorance to
tell me, "that's okay you are only one customer." i then told her "i may
be only one, but my influence is many." she continued to say that is

Well here i am as only one customer, about to post this on the internet
to let those know about this store. So, i just thought i would share it
with you folks first and if nothing is done to rectify this situation, i
will post this on my blog and link it to a lot of different sites.

Marginalization means that none of us are equal.


Michael P. Bliss

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