Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chill the Fuck out all ready the NY Post is garbage........................................

you know i have really tried to dissect this whole political cartoon
and i still can't say anything good about it. I understand what they
are trying to say but it is completely moot do to the fact that they
used a chimp. Even if you take away the word caption on it, it is still
offensive for all of the police brutality that is going on towards

They could have very easily drew a picture of a Donkey and accomplished
the same thing in a much more comedic light. I get using the Chimp as
some form of relevant reference of the shooting of the chimp that
brutally maimed that woman, and the parallel the fact that the
Politicians are a bunch of crazed Chimps destroying our country. But,
it is all moot and done in extreme poor taste.

Also consider the source. The NY Post is not known for great
journalism, in fact i align them more with the US Weekly of the
Newspaper world. right now on there front "page" on line they mention a
Cosmetic Dr. that is being sued for removing a Breast Implant with out
being asked to. I think this pretty much is the overall theme to this
particular news paper. this is how reputable this news organization is
and they are amazing. they also have a gossip section of the news
paper. WTF? A gossip section? for a news paper? sounds like some
bullshit to me, so it seems to me that they are not known for quality
anything, at all.

So what am i saying you might ask yourself. I am saying calm the fuck
down. This is not the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times or the
The Times out of London or shit even Chicago Sun Times. it's the
fucking NY Post. So, if you folks are not familiar with NY Post go to
there website right now and read something called "page 6" it is filled
with bullshit, like most of you who have not considered the source.

This gave one my favorite people in the world to become the media whore
that he is and try to act like he cares about anyone but himself and
money. He is an opportunistic fuck just like the NY Post. So go get em
Al Sharpton and act like you care about the black community for the
next 2 months like you did after the whole Don Imus thing three years
ago. Official you are as not creditable as NY Post. So you get an Icy
Mike FUCK YOU award and are a 2009 finalist. so, congrats.


J.R. LeMar said...

I just so happen to be watching Keith Olbermann right now, and he's talking about it. And they showed Al Sharpton leading a protest outside the NY Post building. And I had the same reaction you have. Sharpton knows that President Barack HUSSEIN Obama's election has made him irrelevant, and he's desperately trying to hold onto the spotlight.

This is ridiculous. Yeah, it's stupid, but they're blowing this out of proportion. This doesn't even rise to the level of Don Imus.

And now they're saying that Spike Lee is going to filming the protest tomorrow! Don't these people have anything better to do?!?

ICY MIKE said...

NO. They do not. This cartoon is not that big of a deal. it came from the NY Post, not the NY Times. NO ONE i repeat NO ONE from the NY TIMES would ever dream of putting out a cartoon like this, they have something called intelligence. The NY POST is garbage.

And i also continue on my current quest of hatred toward Al Sharpton. I love you Spike Lee, don't make me hate you too fam. I'll do it i'm not above hating douche bags.

J.R. LeMar said...

I don't even have a problem with complaining about it. I agree it was stupid. So, go ahead, write a nasty blog online, yell about it on talk radio, whatever. That's politics. I get it.

But to actually lead a protest outside the building, holding up signs and shouting, that really does seem like such a waste of time, to me. There's way more productive ways all of those folks could be spending that time.

Personally, I'd rather see a protest outside of Senator Roland Burris' office, demanding that he resign. Now there's someone who's damaging the image of Black politicians, more than any stupid cartoon, which would've been forgotten about by now, if it were for all the fake outrage that's keeping it in the news.

ICY MIKE said...

i mean really. can i please have a good politician in the state of illinois every now and then. roland burris should have never been given the nod to go ahead and be the senator. it was clear pandering and fucking disgusting. i was reading the Chicago Defender (black news paper if you are not familiar...also i read it from time to time.) and they were talking about how perfect and over qualified he was for the position, in which i have never heard of the fucking man and think that he is a total waste of time.